Tuesday, January 20, 2009

GD test today

It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Although nearing the end of the hour I got restless, thirsty and hungry. Imagine that.

I was surprised that I had a choice of either lemon-lime or orange. I chose lemon lime. I tried not to psych myself out. So I started to down it and it got to me. So I treated it like a jacked up lemon drop shot. Ya, know a first time bartender fucking up your drink...Ha.

Now I just sit back and wait for the results to come back. Fingers crossed that I passed and don't have to go back for the 3 hour test.

1 comment:

Shannon A. said...

I will be keeping my fingers crossed for you...the three hour GTT is horrible....especially if you have numbnuts who cannot draw you to save her life. I came out looking like a drug addict with bruises and marks all over. Oh and I would have to say that the Lemon-lime is soo much better than the orange...BLECH