Friday, August 28, 2009

Sit up, Stand up

It seems that all Brendan wants to do these days is stand up. Well yesterday he added a new trick, he can go from leaning back in his boppy to sitting up. This child is ridiculously strong. I fear that he will be crawling VERY soon.

Brendan Meets Charlie

Brendan took his first mini road trip down to Cincinatti the beginning of August to celebrate Charlie's FIRST birthday. He was SO good and had a great time.
Too bad I forgot to take my beny with me, as I am allergic to cats and we had to cut our visit short.

Pool time

A few weeks ago, when it was so god awful hot out, the three of us headed over to grandma and grandpa's house to enjoy the pool.
Brendan's first time in the pool was a huge hit. He loved it

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Trip around the sun

It's truly amazing how much my life has changed in the past year.

A little over a year ago I was peeing on a stick discovering that my life would change forever.
I remember that day like it was yesterday. It was raining and we had chinese for dinner. Sometimes I wish I didnt have a photographic memory.

I can honestly say that I enjoyed every minute of being pregnant. Would I do it again? Absolutely. Do I want more than one child? I am not so sure.

In honor of our trip around the sun, here are some pictures from the beginning to where we are now.

I know this next year will fly by and be fullied with wonderful memories.

Sunday, August 23, 2009


To celebrate B2'a 4 month birthday I, yes I, put together his jumper.

He loves it, especially the frog.

Month 4

This past week has been very busy and tiresome.

B1 was in the hospital with kidney stones and B2 turned 4 months.
B2 took very well too his shots. He only cried for a little bit and slept the 15 minutes home. When we got home I gave him some Tylenol and within 20 minutes he was his usual smiling. laughing, babbling self. He even slept thru the night. Yea for me = )
He had a slight fever on Wednesday, but a little Tylenol did the trick.
He is weighing in at 14 pounds 3 oz and is 24" long. He is in the 50th percentile in everything.
This morning we tried cereal. I'm not sure what his thoughts were. But we will give it a try tomorrow.

We had our first diaper leak last night. B2 was crying at 1am when I got home from the Kenny concert so I fed him and it took an hour to get him back to bed. B1 said he was up at 3 and 6am.

Needless to say I strip down and wash everything and it is a complete PITA to do. Hopefully this doesn't happen anytime soon.
Here are some pictures of B2 trying out cereal.

Thursday, August 6, 2009


Who knew that the first time Brendan laughed would bring tears to my eyes. As much as I said I wouldn't be one of "those" moms...I am.

On Monday night Brendan full on laughed. It was the most hysterical thing. I squealed in such delight that I scared him and he cried. Thankfully I was able to calm him and then he carried on for 2 full minutes laughing.

Of course when you get the camera out he wont do it. And of course he only does it for B and I.

Laughter has been a nightly occurrence in our house and I LOVE it I could listen to him laugh all day!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Silly things in life

Brendan is now grabbing a hold of his little piggies and blowing bubbles and raspberries.

He can also roll from tummy to back, but cant quite figure out how to get back onto his tummy without help from mommy.

He loves anything that spins. He will spend hours staring at ceiling fans and the animals on his mobile. He even "talks" to them. I just love it and laugh everytime he does it.


Speaking of sleeping. How is it that the kid will be completely upside down and in the opposite side of the crib vs where I put him?