Thursday, October 16, 2008


We went for our NT Scan yesterday and everything is PERFECT!

Baby Cakes did not cooperate with the sonographer ( I hope I am spelling that right). I told B, it is defiantly his child.

Half way thru her trying to get measurements I had to go empty my bladder. Yea, that didn't help. When I came back the sonographer said "Oh sure, stand on your head now." B laughed.

The doctor came in and said the spine looked fine, the neck measured fine and Baby Cakes had bone structure in the nose. Heart Rate was 175.

I had to have a finger prick and send the blood off to a lab and once the results come back they will compare that will the u/s tests. Overall the Dr. said Baby Cakes and I were both healthy as could be YAY!

But there is more good news.
Apparently MTHFR is more common than we thought. According to this Dr., 2 BILLION people in the world have it! And being that I only have the one gene mutation vs. the two I'm even better off. Add that to the wonderful u/s and Baby Cakes and I are looking pretty good. We should have a healthy un-eventful pregnancy!

1 comment:

Jene said...

That is awesome news! I'm so glad you started a blog, I miss you guys on the Nest :(

I guess that's the good thing about going back to work - I'll have lots more time to screw around on the interwebs :)