Stop it. You have been sending me the most bizarre dreams.
Here are just a few randoms one I remember:
1. I couldn't for the life of me write a check and went thru an entire book of checks before I got it right.
2. I had to write Barney Stinsen, from How I Met Your Mother, a check.
3. B was holding a baby and dropped it.
4. I had some sort of complication and delivered BabyCakes early. Seems normal right? Oh, no....I don't know what the heck happened, actually I do. Thanks to my OB telling me her random dream of nursing a kitten, I too had the same dream? WTF!
Maybe I need to change my diet? Or maybe I need to stop watching so much TV.
Nope...nothing you can do, it is the pregnancy brain! I had the wackiest and most vivid dreams my entire pregnancy, almost every night. It was wild!
Stacey,Glad I am not the only one. And I guess I have to be thankful that I am getting really good sleep at this moment.
Oh, the pregnancy dreams suck! Unless they're good dreams, of course. Let us know if you dream about Baby Cakes as a boy or girl - Baby Charlie was a boy in all of my dreamsn.
Jene, I have had 3 dreams of which Baby Cakes was a boy.
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