Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Bending over

Is over rated. I mean, seriously, who needs it.

I have now resorted to slip on shoes of any kind. Let me tell you how well that has been working out me. Not very well. It has either snowed or rained for the past I don't know how many days. And of course mother nature cant make her mind up. So it snows one day, rains the next. So whether its snow, rain or puddles of melted snow, that crap is still out there and of course I step in it. Needless to say, my socks get wet But slipping on my shoes is SO much easier than bending over to put shoes on. Actually bending over to do anything sucks. And its only going to get worse.

1 comment:

Jill said...

The bending over sucks, I can't do it either. I feel so incapable of doing the things I'm used to doing and it drives me batty.