I wanted to take a moment out of my day to wish every one a wonderful, happy Thanksgiving.
Every Thursday, the nesties have Thankful Thursday and we all say what we are thankful for. Well, I am going to share with you, what I am thankful for. So here is my list.
1. I am thankful for my hubby. He is the most amazing man I know. I love that I can tell him anything and we have the best time together.
2. I am thankful for a healthy, growing baby and thus far an easy pregnancy.
3. I am thankful for my parents. They have given me so much and they have scarified so much to make sure I never went with out
4. The rest of my family, in laws, siblings and half family included. These are all amazing people and would go to the ends of the earth for you. We may not spend a lot of time together, but when we do it always makes for a good story.
5. My friends. Near and far. I know that no matter what, they will always be there for me even if we don't talk as much as we used to.
6. My job. Even on days when I want to say fuck it all and walk out the door. In these tough times, I am grateful that the hubby and I both have steady jobs.
7. The material things in life. I honestly believe I take for granted a lot of the stuff I have.
8. Health. Not only mine, but everyone who is near and dear to me. 2008 has been a rough year on my family.
9. My dogs. I could not imagine my house without them. It seriously warms my heart every day when I come to see how happy they are to see me.
10. My house that my husband and I have turned into a home. Soon to be filled with more love than we'll prolly know what to do with. Along with that will come the sleep-less nights, night time feedings and countless diaper changes. But we couldn't be happier and cant wait to meet Baby Cakes.
Once again, Happy Thanksgiving. And remember to take time out of your day to remind yourself of everything you have and tell someone how much they mean to you.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
My skin is SO dry its not even funny. From my scalp down to my toes. No joke.
I've tried EVERY thing. Nothing works. In the past 3 days, I have gone thru a 3.25FL OZ of Suave lotion on just my face and hands. I do not think that is normal.
I even tried to exfoliate, yea, that only made it worse.
I've read that pregnancy can do a number on your skin, but this is just ridiculous.
I think tonight I am going to lather up and then wrap myself in saran wrap to hold the moisture in.
I've tried EVERY thing. Nothing works. In the past 3 days, I have gone thru a 3.25FL OZ of Suave lotion on just my face and hands. I do not think that is normal.
I even tried to exfoliate, yea, that only made it worse.
I've read that pregnancy can do a number on your skin, but this is just ridiculous.
I think tonight I am going to lather up and then wrap myself in saran wrap to hold the moisture in.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Making Decisions
B and I went to the dreaded Baby's R Us this weekend. And to be honest, it wasn't all that bad.

I guessed it helped that B knows the manager and he personally took us around and explained everything and showed us how everything worked.
We decided on a crib. Its the right color and best thing is, its a converter to its a lifetime bed.
I would love to get the matching low dresser, but holy smokes, that cost more than the crib.
Here is the whole set together.

As if that wasn't enough excitement for us, we also decided on a travel system. B has one requirement. "I don't want anything that I will look stupid pushing."
We both took a liking to this system right away. It has this awesome fabric that is wipe able. The picture isn't the best, but its a dark grey, with a lighter grey and lime green accents. It also comes with a base, so that will save us $70.00.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Mr. Sandman
Stop it. You have been sending me the most bizarre dreams.
Here are just a few randoms one I remember:
1. I couldn't for the life of me write a check and went thru an entire book of checks before I got it right.
2. I had to write Barney Stinsen, from How I Met Your Mother, a check.
3. B was holding a baby and dropped it.
4. I had some sort of complication and delivered BabyCakes early. Seems normal right? Oh, no....I don't know what the heck happened, actually I do. Thanks to my OB telling me her random dream of nursing a kitten, I too had the same dream? WTF!
Maybe I need to change my diet? Or maybe I need to stop watching so much TV.
Here are just a few randoms one I remember:
1. I couldn't for the life of me write a check and went thru an entire book of checks before I got it right.
2. I had to write Barney Stinsen, from How I Met Your Mother, a check.
3. B was holding a baby and dropped it.
4. I had some sort of complication and delivered BabyCakes early. Seems normal right? Oh, no....I don't know what the heck happened, actually I do. Thanks to my OB telling me her random dream of nursing a kitten, I too had the same dream? WTF!
Maybe I need to change my diet? Or maybe I need to stop watching so much TV.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
The nesting began last night. I decided to deep clean the kitchen.
I took everything off the counter, scrubbed the back splash, the counter tops and then wiped everything down before putting it all back, of course re-arranging it.
Then I decided since I had the pine-sol out, why stop there. I unloaded the bakers rack, moved it to a new location and wiped that down and again put everything back.
Once that was said and done, I decided to mop the floor. I got half way done and decided that I should probably hand scrub it. That is tonight's chore.
My kitchen is so clean, I don't want to cook in it tonight. Wonder if I can talk B into dinner out?
I took everything off the counter, scrubbed the back splash, the counter tops and then wiped everything down before putting it all back, of course re-arranging it.
Then I decided since I had the pine-sol out, why stop there. I unloaded the bakers rack, moved it to a new location and wiped that down and again put everything back.
Once that was said and done, I decided to mop the floor. I got half way done and decided that I should probably hand scrub it. That is tonight's chore.
My kitchen is so clean, I don't want to cook in it tonight. Wonder if I can talk B into dinner out?
Monday, November 17, 2008
Yesterday I had the pleasure of celebrating my grandma's 75th birthday. She cried. I don't know if she was crying b/c she was turning 75 or the fact that the entire family was horribly singing "happy birthday" to her. Either way it was a nice evening.
Ya know, there always has to be one person at a family function who doesn't know how to to keep their mouth shut, thus causing family drama, and in my family, we could seriously do with out any drama. The fact of the matter is, this person has upset me time after time after time. And what do I do? I decide to not create a scene, b/c it is my grandma's birthday. But then, I stew over it all night. Then of course I cant sleep b/c I am that upset about it. And of course it continues when I wake up and I am in the shower re-hashing the whole conversation and saying to myself "what I should have said is...", or "what I would have liked to say" But, I am a bigger person. Then the waterworks start. AYFKM? Why do I let this person get to me? Ugh. Its water under the bridge and today is a new day.
Oh and I would also like to comment on how one of my grandmother's son's couldn't even bother to call or show up to celebrate with us. Not cool. Not.cool.at.all.
Ya know, there always has to be one person at a family function who doesn't know how to to keep their mouth shut, thus causing family drama, and in my family, we could seriously do with out any drama. The fact of the matter is, this person has upset me time after time after time. And what do I do? I decide to not create a scene, b/c it is my grandma's birthday. But then, I stew over it all night. Then of course I cant sleep b/c I am that upset about it. And of course it continues when I wake up and I am in the shower re-hashing the whole conversation and saying to myself "what I should have said is...", or "what I would have liked to say" But, I am a bigger person. Then the waterworks start. AYFKM? Why do I let this person get to me? Ugh. Its water under the bridge and today is a new day.
Oh and I would also like to comment on how one of my grandmother's son's couldn't even bother to call or show up to celebrate with us. Not cool. Not.cool.at.all.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Things that make me cry
The CMA's were on last night. You're prolly already thinking WTH would that make her cry.
I am so glad I was able to stay awake for the entire show. Which is a huge surprise since it was on till 11pm.
Towards the end of the show, Carrie Underwood performed "Just a Dream" and it seriously brought down the house.
Carrie was introduced by a woman known as Leslie Ponder, the widow of a slain U.S. soldier named James “Tre” Ponder.
For your viewing pleasure I have included a link to youtube. But consider this your warning. It is a tear jerker.
I'll figure out how to upload it later today so you can just click and watch.
As if that weren't bad enough, the evening news had a story about the Ottawa County Humane Society and how two of their workers found 3 pigs and a goat, mutilated and left in the wild.
Sickening and very disturbing. Whats even worse was the news showed pictures of those poor piggies.
WTH is wrong with people?
Now that I type this out, I am sure I would have cried even if I weren't pregnant and hormonal.
I am so glad I was able to stay awake for the entire show. Which is a huge surprise since it was on till 11pm.
Towards the end of the show, Carrie Underwood performed "Just a Dream" and it seriously brought down the house.
Carrie was introduced by a woman known as Leslie Ponder, the widow of a slain U.S. soldier named James “Tre” Ponder.
For your viewing pleasure I have included a link to youtube. But consider this your warning. It is a tear jerker.
I'll figure out how to upload it later today so you can just click and watch.
As if that weren't bad enough, the evening news had a story about the Ottawa County Humane Society and how two of their workers found 3 pigs and a goat, mutilated and left in the wild.
Sickening and very disturbing. Whats even worse was the news showed pictures of those poor piggies.
WTH is wrong with people?
Now that I type this out, I am sure I would have cried even if I weren't pregnant and hormonal.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
To all my "mommie" friends.
Thanks for warning me of what takes place at the 16 week appointment. Should I have read that in the book somewhere?
Christ almighty. As if it weren't bad enough they left me alone in the room for 20 minutes to stare at the cold, shiny metal contraption they were going to shove up my who-ha. I sat there and thought "shit, had I know this I would have shaved today." Shaving is a once a week chore these days. I just don't have time to do it before work. AND to make matters worse, it was the first time I met the Dr. Argh. At the least the stirrups were heated.
Moving on.
Dr. says "lets get some heart tones." And of course after about ten minutes of trying, no dice. Luckily for me the u/s room was open. So we headed down there and got a look at Baby Cakes.
The u/s tech said I had a galloping horse in there. HR of 146.
Baby Cakes wanted nothing to do with having his picture taken, the little shit turned his head. But he did keep kicking and waving his right hand.
Here is the latest picture. Its from the belly up, cause ya know, we aren't going to find out the sex.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
The Name Game
We have a girls name picked out. Don't even waste your time asking what it is b/c our lips are sealed.
Reason being, I hate it when you say a name and someone says " oh, I know a Sara. I don't like her". Or, "oh I know a Bethany, her mom"....blah blah blah blah.
So my lips are sealed until the day Baby Cakes is born.
I will however, vent my frustration on a boys name. WTF is it so hard. I finally won the battle of using B's real name as the middle name and now I feel that nothing goes with it.
If you happen to be one of the lucky ones who knows what his real name is, I am open to suggestions. I mean after all, time is ticking.
Reason being, I hate it when you say a name and someone says " oh, I know a Sara. I don't like her". Or, "oh I know a Bethany, her mom"....blah blah blah blah.
So my lips are sealed until the day Baby Cakes is born.
I will however, vent my frustration on a boys name. WTF is it so hard. I finally won the battle of using B's real name as the middle name and now I feel that nothing goes with it.
If you happen to be one of the lucky ones who knows what his real name is, I am open to suggestions. I mean after all, time is ticking.
Monday, November 3, 2008
I remembered!
I remembered to call the OB's office. Can you believe that? Not only did I remember to call but I actually thought about it before the 2 hour lunch break. God I hate that. You mean to tell me that every single person in that office is out to lunch for two hours at the same time? Ugh, whatever.
This phone call concerns me a little. Here is the run down.
Me: Hi, this Angela XXX and I need to either schedule my next appointment or know approximately when it would be.
Them: Are you a patient here?
Me: Yes.
Them: Are you pregnant?
Me: Yes, 15 weeks.
Them: And you have been here before?
Me: Um, yea. (AYFKM?)
Them: Hold on ( I get transferred)
Them: Hello?
Me: Yes, this is Angela XXX and I need to schedule my next appointment.
Them: OK, for what?
Me: To see the OB for the my next pg checkup
Them: Well didn't you schedule that at your last visit.
Me: No. Had I done that we would not be having this conversation.
Them: Are you sure. Whats you name again?
Me (OMFG) Yes, I am sure. The last appt I had there was at 9 weeks and then had my NT scan at St. V.
Them: Oh, well I guess you do need an appointment. We need to get you in this week next week at the very latest!!!
So I schedule the appointment. Hang up the phone and seriously wonder if I need to find a new OB.
In case you're wondering when the next appointment is, its next Tuesday.
This phone call concerns me a little. Here is the run down.
Me: Hi, this Angela XXX and I need to either schedule my next appointment or know approximately when it would be.
Them: Are you a patient here?
Me: Yes.
Them: Are you pregnant?
Me: Yes, 15 weeks.
Them: And you have been here before?
Me: Um, yea. (AYFKM?)
Them: Hold on ( I get transferred)
Them: Hello?
Me: Yes, this is Angela XXX and I need to schedule my next appointment.
Them: OK, for what?
Me: To see the OB for the my next pg checkup
Them: Well didn't you schedule that at your last visit.
Me: No. Had I done that we would not be having this conversation.
Them: Are you sure. Whats you name again?
Me (OMFG) Yes, I am sure. The last appt I had there was at 9 weeks and then had my NT scan at St. V.
Them: Oh, well I guess you do need an appointment. We need to get you in this week next week at the very latest!!!
So I schedule the appointment. Hang up the phone and seriously wonder if I need to find a new OB.
In case you're wondering when the next appointment is, its next Tuesday.
Bob Evans: Take Two
Bob Evans this time around was a success! Baby Cakes liked the sunshine skillet. Thank god. I mean, could you image a life, well 6 months of no Bob Evans? Didn't think so.
In other exciting news, remember that list I was talking about? I found it. Not only that, but I now have Tums and Tylenol in my purse!
I seem to have tons more energy lately. I stayed up past 11 on Friday and 10 on Saturday. Sunday, I got up early (no thanks to the time change). I did three loads of laundry, I even folded everything that was in the dryer. Took down all the Halloween decor, cleaned the front porch and put out the fall decor. I even managed to stay awake for the entire Browns game. What a waste of my time. So glad I didn't spend the money to go....anyways, back on track.
Lets see if I can remember to call the OB today. I have no idea when my next apt. is and it bothers me to not know things.
In other exciting news, remember that list I was talking about? I found it. Not only that, but I now have Tums and Tylenol in my purse!
I seem to have tons more energy lately. I stayed up past 11 on Friday and 10 on Saturday. Sunday, I got up early (no thanks to the time change). I did three loads of laundry, I even folded everything that was in the dryer. Took down all the Halloween decor, cleaned the front porch and put out the fall decor. I even managed to stay awake for the entire Browns game. What a waste of my time. So glad I didn't spend the money to go....anyways, back on track.
Lets see if I can remember to call the OB today. I have no idea when my next apt. is and it bothers me to not know things.
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